4 posts on ES

Writable getters

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Setters removing themselves are reminiscent of Ouroboros, the serpent eating its own tail, an ancient symbol. Media credit

A pattern that has come up a few times in my code is the following: an object has a property which defaults to an expression based on its other properties unless it’s explicitly set, in which case it functions like a normal property. Essentially, the expression functions as a default value.

Some examples of use cases:

  • An object where a default id is generated from its name or title, but can also have custom ids.
  • An object with information about a human, where name can be either specified explicitly or generated from firstName and lastName if not specified.
  • An object with parameters for drawing an ellipse, where ry defaults to rx if not explicitly set.
  • An object literal with date information, and a readable property which formats the date, but can be overwritten with a custom human-readable format.
  • An object representing parts of a Github URL (e.g. username, repo, branch) with an apiCall property which can be either customized or generated from the parts (this is actually the example which prompted this blog post)

Ok, so now that I convinced you about the utility of this pattern, how do we implement it in JS?

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Easy Dynamic Regular Expressions with Tagged Template Literals and Proxies

3 min read 0 comments Report broken page

If you use regular expressions a lot, you probably also create them from existing strings that you first need to escape in case they contain special characters that need to be matched literally, like $ or +. Usually, a helper function is defined (hopefully this will soon change as RegExp.escape() is coming!) that basically looks like this:

var escapeRegExp = s => s.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&");

and then regexps are created by escaping the static strings and concatenating them with the rest of the regex like this:

var regex = RegExp(escapeRegExp(start) + '([\\S\\s]+?)' + escapeRegExp(end), "gi")

or, with ES6 template literals, like this:

var regex = RegExp(`${escapeRegExp(start)}([\\S\\s]+?)${escapeRegExp(end)}`, "gi")

(In case you were wondering, this regex is taken directly from the Mavo source code)

Isn’t this horribly verbose? What if we could define a regex with just a template literal (`${start}([\\S\\s]+?)${end}` for the regex above) and it just worked? Well, it turns out we can! If you haven’t seen tagged template literals before, I suggest you click that MDN link and read up. Basically, you can prepend an ES6 template literal with a reference to a function and the function accepts the static parts of the string and the dynamic parts separately, allowing you to operate on them!

So, what if we defined such a function that returns a RegExp object and escapes the dynamic parts? Let’s try to do that:

var regexp = (strings, ...values) => {
	return RegExp(strings[0] + values.map((v, i) => escapeRegExp(v) + strings[i+1]).join(""))

And now we can try it in the console:

> regexp`^${'/*'}([\\S\\s]+?)${'*/'}`;
< /^\/\*([\S\s]+?)\*\//

Won’t somebody, please, think of the flags?!

This is all fine and dandy, but how do we specify flags? Note that the original regexp had flags (“gi”). The tagged template syntax doesn’t really allow us to pass in any additional parameters. However, thanks to functions being first-class objects in JS, we can have a function that takes the flags in as parameters and returns a function that generates regexps with the right flags:

var regexp = flags => {
	return (strings, ...values) => {
		var pattern = strings[0] + values.map((v, i) => escapeRegExp(v) + strings[i+1]).join("")
		return RegExp(pattern, flags);

And now we can try it in the console:

> regexp("gi")`^${'/*'}([\\S\\s]+?)${'*/'}`;
< /^\/\*([\S\s]+?)\*\//gi

This works nice, but now even if we don’t want any flags, we can’t use the nice simple syntax we had earlier, we need to include a pair of empty parens:

> regexp()`^${'/*'}([\\S\\s]+?)${'*/'}`;
< /^\/\*([\S\s]+?)\*\//

Can we have our cake and eat it too? Can we have the short parenthesis-less syntax when we have no flags, and still be able to specify flags? Of course! We can check the arguments we have and either return a function, or call the function. If our function is used as a tag, the first argument will be an array (thanks Roman!). If we’re expecting it to return a function, the first argument would be a string: the flags. So, let’s try this approach!

var regexp = (...args) => {
	var ret = (flags, strings, ...values) => {
		var pattern = strings[0] + values.map((v, i) => escapeRegExp(v) + strings[i+1]).join("");
		return RegExp(pattern, flags);

if (Array.isArray(args[0])) { // Used as a template tag return ret("", …args); }

return ret.bind(undefined, args[0]); };

And now we can try it in the console and verify that both syntaxes work:

> regexp("gi")`^${'/*'}([\\S\\s]+?)${'*/'}`;
< /^\/\*([\S\s]+?)\*\//gi
< /^\/\*([\S\s]+?)\*\//

Even nicer syntax, with proxies!

Is there a better way? If this is not super critical for performance, we could use proxies to return the right function with a template tag like regexp.gi, no parentheses or quotes needed and the code is actually shorter too:

var _regexp = (flags, strings, ...values) => {
	var pattern = strings[0] + values.map((v, i) => escapeRegExp(v) + strings[i+1]).join("");
	return RegExp(pattern, flags);
var regexp = new Proxy(_regexp.bind(undefined, ""), {
	get: (t, property) => _regexp.bind(undefined, property)

And now we can try it in the console, both with and without flags!

> regexp.gi`^${'/*'}([\\S\\s]+?)${'*/'}`;
< /^\/\*([\S\s]+?)\*\//gi
> regexp`^${'/*'}([\\S\\s]+?)${'*/'}`;
< /^\/\*([\S\s]+?)\*\//

That’s some beauty right there! ?

PS: If you liked this, take a look at this mini-library by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer that uses a similar idea and turns it into a library that does more than just escaping strings (different syntax for flags though, they become part of the template string, like in PHP)

Resolve Promises externally with this one weird trick

2 min read 0 comments Report broken page

Those of us who use promises heavily, have often wished there was a Promise.prototype.resolve() method, that would force an existing Promise to resolve. However, for architectural reasons (throw safety), there is no such thing and probably never will be. Therefore, a Promise can only resolve or reject by calling the respective methods in its constructor:

var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
	if (something) {
	else {

However, often it is not desirable to put your entire code inside a Promise constructor so you could resolve or reject it at any point. In my latest case today, I wanted a Promise that resolved when a tree was created, so that third-party components could defer code execution until the tree was ready. However, given that plugins could be running on any hook, that meant wrapping a ton of code with the Promise constructor, which was obviously a no-go. I had come across this problem before and usually gave up and created a Promise around all the necessary code. However, this time my aversion to what this would produce got me to think even harder. What could I do to call resolve() asynchronously from outside the Promise?

A custom event? Nah, too slow for my purposes, why involve the DOM when it’s not needed?

Another Promise? Nah, that just transfers the problem.

An setInterval to repeatedly check if the tree is created? OMG, I can’t believe you just thought that Lea, ewwww, gross!

Getters and setters? Hmmm, maybe that could work! If the setter is inside the Promise constructor, then I can resolve the Promise by just setting a property!

My first iteration looked like this:

this.treeBuilt = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
	Object.defineProperty(this, "_treeBuilt", {
		set: value => {
			if (value) {

// Many, many lines below…

this._treeBuilt = true;

However, it really bothered me that I had to define 2 properties when I only needed one. I could of course do some cleanup and delete them after the promise is resolved, but the fact that at some point in time these useless properties existed will still haunt me, and I’m sure the more OCD-prone of you know exactly what I mean. Can I do it with just one property? Turns out I can!

The main idea is realizing that the getter and the setter could be doing completely unrelated tasks. In this case, setting the property would resolve the promise and reading its value would return the promise:

var setter;
var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
	setter = value => {
		if (value) {

Object.defineProperty(this, "treeBuilt", { set: setter, get: () => promise });

// Many, many lines below…

this.treeBuilt = true;

For better performance, once the promise is resolved you could even delete the dynamic property and replace it with a normal property that just points to the promise, but be careful because in that case, any future attempts to resolve the promise by setting the property will make you lose your reference to it!

I still think the code looks a bit ugly, so if you can think a more elegant solution, I’m all ears (well, eyes really)!

Update: Joseph Silber gave an interesting solution on twitter:

function defer() {
	var deferred = {
		promise: null,
		resolve: null,
		reject: null

deferred.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { deferred.resolve = resolve; deferred.reject = reject; });

return deferred; }

this.treeBuilt = defer();

// Many, many lines below…


I love that this is reusable, and calling resolve() makes a lot more sense than setting something to true. However, I didn’t like that it involved a separate object (deferred) and that people using the treeBuilt property would not be able to call .then() directly on it, so I simplified it a bit to only use one Promise object:

function defer() {
	var res, rej;

var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { res = resolve; rej = reject; });

promise.resolve = res; promise.reject = rej;

return promise; }

this.treeBuilt = defer();

// Many, many lines below…


Finally, something I like!

StronglyTyped: A library for strongly typed properties & constants in JavaScript

2 min read 0 comments Report broken page

StronglyTypedI’ll start by saying I love the loosely typed nature of JavaScript. When I had to work with strongly typed languages like Java, it always seemed like an unnecessary hassle. On the contrary, my boyfriend even though very proficient with HTML, CSS and SVG, comes from a strong Java background and hates loosely typed scripting languages. So, to tempt him into JS and keep him away from heavy abstractions like Objective-J, I wrote a little library that allows you to specify strongly typed properties (and since global variables are also properties of the window object, those as well) of various types (real JS types like Boolean, Number, String etc or even made up ones like Integer) and constants (final properties in Java). It uses ES5 getters and setters to do that and falls back to regular, loosely typed properties in non-supporting browsers.

Also, as a bonus, you get cross-browser Function.prototype.bind and Array.prototype.forEach and a robust type checking function: StronglyTyped.is(type, value).

Example: Strongly typed properties

You define strongly typed properties by using the corresponding methods of the StronglyTyped object. For example, the following snippet defines a boolean property called “foo” on an object literal:

var o = {};

StronglyTyped.boolean(o, ‘foo’, true);

console.log(o.foo); // prints true

o.foo = false; console.log(o.foo); // prints false

o.foo = ‘bar’; // TypeError: foo must be of type Boolean. bar is not.

Example: Constants

You define constants by using the constant method of the StronglyTyped object. For example, the following snippet defines a global MAGIC_NUMBER constant:

var o = {};

StronglyTyped.constant(window, ‘MAGIC_NUMBER’, 3.1415926535);

console.log(MAGIC_NUMBER); // prints 3.1415926535

MAGIC_NUMBER = 4; console.log(MAGIC_NUMBER); // prints 3.1415926535

Please note that constants only become read-only after they first get a non-undefined value. For example:

StronglyTyped.constant(window, ‘MAGIC_NUMBER’);

console.log(MAGIC_NUMBER); // prints undefined

MAGIC_NUMBER = undefined;

console.log(MAGIC_NUMBER); // prints undefined

MAGIC_NUMBER = 3.1415926535; console.log(MAGIC_NUMBER); // prints 3.1415926535

MAGIC_NUMBER = 4; console.log(MAGIC_NUMBER); // prints 3.1415926535

Supported types

The property types currently supported by StronglyTyped are:

  • Array
  • Boolean
  • Date
  • Function
  • Integer
  • Number
  • RegExp
  • String

null and undefined are valid in every type. NaN and Infinity values are accepted in both the Number and the Integer types.

If you want to use a type that’s not among the above but either is native to the browser (for example Element) or a global object, you can use the generic method StronglyTyped.property(type, object, property [, initialValue]):

var o = {};

StronglyTyped.property(‘Element’, o, ‘foo’, document.body);

console.log(o.foo); // prints a representation of the <body> element

o.foo = document.head; console.log(o.foo); // prints a representation of the <head> element

o.foo = 5; // TypeError: foo must be of type Element. 5 is not.

Browser support

It should work on every browser that supports Object.defineProperty or __defineGetter__ and __defineSetter__. As you can see from kangax’s awesome compatibility tables for Object.defineProperty and __define(G|S)etter__, those are:

  • Firefox 3.5+
  • IE8 (only on DOM elements)
  • IE9+
  • Opera 10.5+
  • Chrome 5+
  • Safari 4+
  • Konqueror 4.4+

However, it’s only verified to work in:

  • Firefox 4 (Win and OSX)
  • IE9+
  • Opera 11.10 for OSX, Opera 11 for Windows
  • Chrome (Win and OSX)
  • Safari 5 (Win and OSX)

This doesn’t mean it won’t work in the rest, just that it hasn’t been tested there (yet). You can load the unit tests (sort of…) in a browser you want to test and let me know about the results. :)

Naice! Can I haz?

As usual, you can get it from Github: Github repo


Thanks a lot to Max (@suprMax) for Windows testing!