3 posts on Bookmarklets

Refresh CSS Bookmarklet v2

2 min read 0 comments Report broken page

Almost 11 years ago, Paul Irish posted this brilliant bookmarklet to refresh all stylesheets on the current page. Despite the amount of tools, plugins, servers to live reload that have been released over the years, Iā€™ve always kept coming back to it. Itā€™s incredibly elegant in its simplicity. It works everywhere: locally or remotely, on any domain and protocol. No need to set up anything, no need to alter my process in any way, no need to use a specific local server or tool. It quietly just accepts your preferences and workflow instead of trying to change them. Sure, it doesnā€™t automatically detect changes and reload, but in most cases, I donā€™t want it to.

Iā€™ve been using this almost daily for a decade and thereā€™s always been one thing that bothered me: It doesnā€™t work with iframes. If the stylesheet youā€™re editing is inside an iframe, tough luck. If you can open the frame in a new tab, that works, but often thatā€™s nontrivial (e.g. the frame is dynamically generated). After dealing with this issue today once more, I thought ā€œthis is just a few lines of JS, why not fix it?ā€.

The first step was to get Paulā€™s code in a readable format, since the bookmarklet is heavily minified:

(function() {
	var links = document.getElementsByTagName('link');
	for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
		var link = links[i];
		if (link.rel.toLowerCase().match(/stylesheet/) && link.href) {
			var href = link.href.replace(/(&|%5C?)forceReload=\d+/, '');
			link.href = href + (href.match(/\?/) ? '&' : '?') + 'forceReload=' + (new Date().valueOf())

Once I did that, it became obvious to me that this could be shortened a lot; the last 10 years have been wonderful for JS evolution!

	for (let link of Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("link[rel=stylesheet][href]"))) {
		var href = new URL(link.href, location);
		href.searchParams.set("forceReload", Date.now());
		link.href = href;

Sure, this reduces browser support a bit (most notably it excludes IE11), but since this is a local development tool, thatā€™s not such a big problem.

Now, letā€™s extend this to support iframes as well:

	let $$ = (selector, root = document) => Array.from(root.querySelectorAll(selector));

let refresh = (document) => { for (let link of $$("link[rel=stylesheet][href]", document)) { let href = new URL(link.href); href.searchParams.set("forceReload", Date.now()); link.href = href; }

for (let iframe of $$("iframe", document)) { iframe.contentDocument && refresh(iframe.contentDocument); } }

refresh(); }

Thatā€™s it! Do keep in mind that this will not work with cross-origin iframes, but then again, you probably donā€™t expect it to in that case.

Now all we need to do to turn it into a bookmarklet is to prepend it with javascript: and minify the code. Here you go:

šŸ”„ CSS v2

Hope this is useful to someone else as well :) Any improvements are always welcome!


  • Paul Irish, for the original bookmarklet
  • MaurĆ­cio Kishi, for making the iframe traversal recursive (comment)

Mockup viewer bookmarklet

1 min read 0 comments Report broken page

I usually view mockups in a browser, so that the impression I get is as close as possible to reality (I learned this the hard way: A mockup that seemed great in the neutral and minimalistic environment of a picture viewer, ended up looking way too fancy when viewed in a browser, something that I realized after having worked for 6 months on the site). If you do the same, Iā€™m sure youā€™ll feel my pain: Every time I do that, I have to carefully scroll down just as much as to hide the margin that the browser adds, and left just as much as to center the image. Not to mention the click required to enlarge the image to full-size.

Not any more! I was so fed up today, that I wrote a little bookmarklet that does this. It enlarges the image to full size, removes the margins and scrolls the page left so that the image is centered. It works on any recent browser Iā€™ve tested, and I think it will probably work in most browsers that web designers use (hint: not old IEs) :P


Mockup viewer

JS code:

	document.body.style.margin = 0;
	var inner = window.innerWidth || document.body.clientWidth, img = document.getElementsByTagName('img')\[0\];
	document.body.scrollLeft = (img.offsetWidth - inner)/2;

If only it could also write the XHTML & CSS for the siteā€¦ :P

JS library detector

1 min read 0 comments Report broken page

Ever wondered which JavaScript library (if any) is hidden beneath the bells & whistles of each site you gazed at? Since I am a curious person, I find myself wondering every time, so after a bit of research, I wrapped up a little bookmarklet that instantly told me the answer every time.

The logic behind it is that every JavaScript library creates at least one global variable with an easily recognizable name. For most JavaScript libraries, this is simply their name (Prototype, jQuery, DOMAssistant, MooTools, dojo). For some others, its something close enough to their name (YAHOO for YUI, Scriptaculous for script.aculo.us, Ext for ExtJS). So if you check the precence of this global variable, you are effectively checking for the precence of the related framework. Most of them also contain a property with their version (which is usually named ā€˜versionā€™ or ā€˜Versionā€™ or ā€˜VERSIONā€™ (in YUI)) - in fact the only library that did not contain such a property was DOMAssistant. So, after a sneak peek at their code, I could easily set up some conditionals that check whether a certain library exists in the page and if so, alert its name and version. If multiple libraries exist at the same page, multiple popups will appear.

So, here is the bookmarklet:

JS library detector

Just drag it to your bookmarks toolbar and itā€™s ready.

And here is the human-readable code:

if('Prototype' in window)
	var ret = 'Prototype ' + Prototype.Version;
	if('Scriptaculous' in window) ret += ' with script.aculo.us ' + Scriptaculous.Version;
if('jQuery' in window) alert('jQuery ' + jQuery.fn.jquery);
if('MooTools' in window) alert('MooTools ' + MooTools.version);
if('YAHOO' in window) alert('YUI ' + YAHOO.VERSION);
if('dojo' in window) alert('Dojo ' + dojo.version);
if('Ext' in window) alert('ExtJS ' + Ext.version);
if('DOMAssistant' in window) alert('DOMAssistant');

Am I nuts? Certainly. Has it been useful to me? Absolutely.

Original, Bookmarklets, Dojo, Domassistant, Extjs, JS, Javascript Libraries, JQuery, Mootools, Prototype, Yui
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