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Reading cookies the regular expression way

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While taking a look on the 2nd 24ways article for 2009, I was really surprised to read that “The Web Storage API is basically cookies on steroids, a unhealthy dosage of steroids. Cookies are always a pain to work with. First of all you have the problem of setting, changing and deleting them. Typically solved by Googling and blindly relying on PPK’s solution. (bold is mine)

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with PPK’s solution. It works just fine. However, I always thought his readCookie() function was too verbose and complicated for no reason. It’s a very common example of someone desperately trying to avoid using a regular expression. I googled for “javascript read cookie” and to my surprise, all examples found in the first results were very similar. I never understood why even experienced developers are so scared of regular expressions. Anyway, if anyone wants a shorter function to read a cookie, here’s what I use:

function readCookie(name) { // Escape regexp special characters (thanks kangax!) name = name.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, ‘\\$1’);

var regex = new RegExp(‘(?:^|;)\\s?’ + name + ‘=(.*?)(?:;|$)’,‘i’), match = document.cookie.match(regex);

return match && unescape(match[1]); // thanks James! }

Update: Function updated, see comments below.

I’ve been using it for years and it hasn’t let me down. :)

Probably lots of other people have come up and posted something similar before me (I was actually very surprised that something like this isn’t mainstream), but I’m posting it just in case. :)

Exploring browser-supported Unicode characters and a tweet shortening experiment

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I recently wanted to post something on twitter that was just slightly over the 140 chars limit and I didn’t want to shorten it by cutting off characters (some lyrics from Pink Floyd’s “Hey You” that expressed a particular thought I had at the moment – it would be barbaric to alter Roger Waters’ lyrics in any way, wouldn’t it? ;-)). I always knew there were some ligatures and digraphs in the Unicode table, so I thought that these might be used to shorten tweets, not only that particular one of course, but any tweet. So I wrote a small script (warning: very rough around the edges) to explore the Unicode characters that browsers supported, find the replacement pairs and build the tweet shortening script (I even thought of a name for it: ligatweet, LOL I was never good at naming).

My observations were:

  • Different browsers support different Unicode characters. I think Firefox has the best support (more characters) and Chrome the worst. By the way, it’s a shame that Chrome doesn’t support the Braille characters.
  • The appearance of the same characters, using the same font has huge differences across browsers. A large number of glyphs are completely different. This is very apparent on dingbats (around 0x2600-0x2800).
  • For some reason unknown to me, hinting suffers a great deal in the least popular characters (common examples are the unit ligatures, like ㏈ or ㎉). Lots of them looked terribly unlegible and pixelated in small sizes (and only in small sizes!!). Typophiles feel free to correct me if I’m mistaken, but judging by my brief experience with font design, I don’t think bad hinting (or no hinting at all) can do that sort of thing to a glyph. These characters appeared without any anti-aliasing at all! Perhaps it has to do with Cleartype or Windows (?). If anyone has any information about the cause of this issue, I would be greatly interested.
  • It’s amazing what there’s in the Unicode table! There are many dingbats and various symbols in it, and a lot of them work cross browser! No need to be constrained by the small subset that html entities can produce!

The tweet shortening script is here:

I might as well write a bookmarklet in the future. However, I was a bit disappointed to find out that even though I got a bit carried away when picking the replacement pairs, the gains are only around 6-12% for most tweets (case sensitive, of course case insensitive results in higher savings, but the result makes you look like a douchebag), but I’m optimistic that as more pairs get added (feel free to suggest any, or improvements on the current ones) the savings will increase dramatically. And even if they don’t I really enjoyed the trip.

Also, exploring the Unicode table gave me lots of ideas about scripts utilizing it, some of which I consider far more useful than ligatweet (although I’m not sure if I’ll ever find the time to code them, even ligatweet was finished because I had no internet connection for a while tonight, so I couldn’t work and I didn’t feel like going to sleep)

By the way, In case you were wondering, I didn’t post the tweet that inspired me to write the script. After coding for a while, It just didn’t fit my mood any more. ;-)

Yet another email hiding technique?

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While exploring browser-supported Unicode characters, I noticed that apart from the usual @ and . (dot), there was another character that resembled an @ sign (0xFF20 or @) and various characters that resembled a period (I think 0x2024 or ․ is closer, but feel free to argue).

I’m wondering, if one could use this as another way of email hiding. It’s almost as easy as the foo [at] bar [dot] com technique, with the advantage of being far less common (I’ve never seen it before, so there’s a high chance that spambot developers haven’t either) and I think that the end result is more easily understood by newbies. To encode this way, we’d use (in an html page):


and the result is: foo@bar․com

I used that technique on the ligatweet page. Of course, if many people start using it, I guess spambot developers will notice, so it won’t be a good idea any more. However, for some reason I don’t think it will ever become that mainstream :P

By the way, if you’re interested in other ways of email hiding, here’s an extensive article on the subject that I came across after a quick googlesearch (to see if somebody else came up with this first – I didn’t find anything).

A different approach to elastic textareas

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I loved elastic textareas since the very first moment I used one (at facebook obviously). They let you save screen real estate while at the same time they are more comfortable for the end user. It’s one of the rare occasions when you can have your UI cake and eat it too!

However, I never liked the implementation of the feature. In case you never wondered how it’s done, let me explain it in a nutshell: All elastic textarea scripts (or at least all that I know of) create a hidden (actually, absolutely positioned and placed out of the browser window) div, copy some CSS properties from the textarea to it (usually padding, font-size, line-height, font-family, width and font-weight) and whenever the contents of the textarea change they copy them to the hidden div and measure it’s dimensions. It might be good enough for facebook, where the styling of those textareas is fairly simple and consistent throughout the site, or any other particular site, but as a generic solution? I never liked the idea.

So, I tried to explore a different approach. As Andrea Giammarchi recently wrote “This is almost intrinsic, as developers, in our DNA: we spot some interesting concept? We rewrite it from scratch pretending we are doing it better!” and I’m no exception (although in this case I don’t think I did it better, I just think it has potential). The basic idea is quite naive, but it works quite well in most browsers (Internet Explorer being the black sheep as usual): Test if the textarea is scrollable, and if so, increase it’s rows attribute and try again. If it’s not scrollable initially, try decreasing it’s rows attribute until it becomes scrollable (and then ++ it).

It works flawlessly on Firefox and quite well on Safari, Chrome and Opera (it just slightly twitches when it enlarges in those). Stupid Internet Explorer though repaints too many times, causing a flicker at the bottom when the user is typing, something really disturbing, so I can’t consider the script anything above experimental at the moment. I’m just posting it in case anyone has an idea of how to fix the aforementioned issues, because apart from those it has quite a few advantages:

  • Should work with any CSS styles
  • No library requirements (unlike all the others I know of)
  • Only 800 bytes minified (2.4KB originally)

So, here it is:

For the record, I don’t think that a script should be needed for things like that. This looks like something that should be handled by CSS alone. We basically want the height of an element to adjust as necessary for it’s contents to fit. We already use CSS for these things on other elements, why not form controls as well?

New version of rgba.php is out!

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It’s been a while since I posted my little server-side solution for cross-browser RGBA colors (in a nutshell: native rgba for the cool browsers that support it, a PHP-generated image for those that don’t). For features, advantages, disadvantages etc, go see the original post. In this one I’ll only discuss the new version.

So, since it’s release I’ve received suggestions from many people regarding this script. Some other ideas were gathered during troubleshooting issues that some others faced while trying to use it. I hope I didn’t forget anything/anyone :)

Changelog (+credits):

  1. You may now specify the size of the generated image (thanks Sander Arts!)
  2. If the PHP version is below 5.1.7 the call to imagepng() uses 2 parameters instead of 4, to workaround the bug found by Bridget (thanks Chris Neale for suggesting the use of phpversion()!)
  3. Added error_reporting() to only allow for fatal errors and parse errors to go through (I should had done this anyway but I completely forgot). This solves an issue that Erin Doak pointed out, since they had set up notices to be displayed and even a reference to an undefined index made the whole script collapse.
  4. Mariotti Raffaele pointed out that apache_request_headers() was not defined in all PHP installations. After looking into it a bit, I found out that it’s available only when PHP is installed as an Apache module. After some more research it turned out that the only way to get the If-Modified-Since header otherwise is an .htaccess, so I  ruled that out (It would complicate the workaround I think and I doubt all hosts allow .htaccess (?). On the other hand, an .htacess would also allow for some URL rewriting goodness… Hmmm… Should I consider this?). So, if the function is not available, it serves the file with an 200 response code every time, instead of just sending a 304 response when the If-Modified-Since header is present.
  5. Igor Zevaka for pointing out that the Expires header wasn’t a valid HTTP date.



Enjoy :) and please report any bugs!

A CSS3 learning(?) tool

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In case anyone is interested, this is my take on the “challenge” that Brad Neuberg posted today on Ajaxian. It needs more properties, but it’s very easy to extend. I guess I should also add CSS3 values (RGBA/HSL(A) colors, CSS gradients etc) but oh well, I’m currently in a hurry. I will, if anyone actually finds it useful (?).

It didn’t prove much of a challenge actually and I honestly doubt it’s educational value (actually it’s value in general), but it was an interesting thing to do while drinking my first coffee in the morning – I really enjoyed writing it :)

Exploring CSS3 text-shadow

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I consider CSS3’s text-shadow one of the most exciting CSS3* properties, which offers us a lot more effects than it’s name suggests. Of course, it can be used for creating drop shadows for text, and it carries out that task very well, but it’s inherent flexibility allows it to be also used for glow effects, outlines, bevels, extruded text, inset text, fuzzy text and many others (until browser bugs and backwards compatibility come into play… :(). This post is about various findings of mine (and others’, where a source is provided) regarding this property, including browser bugs and inconsistencies, effects that can be achieved with it, compatibility woes etc.

Browser support

  • Opera 9.5+
  • Firefox 3.5+
  • Safari 1.0+
  • Google Chrome

text-shadow syntax

The syntax is fairly simple:

text-shadow: <offset-x> <offset-y> <blur-radius> <color>;

There are some variations (the color could be first instead of last, the blur radius can be omitted if it’s equal to zero and the color may be omitted if it’s the same as the text color) and you may include multiple comma delimited shadows.

You may read more about the syntax in the official specification.

How it works

It helps if you imagine the algorithm for drawing the text shadow as follows:

  1. Create a (most of the times differently colored) clone of the text and place it behind the text.
  2. Move it according to the X and Y offsets (positive values move it to the right and bottom respectively)
  3. If a blur radius is specified and it’s > 0, blur it accordingly (the specification doesn’t mention the blurring algorithm to be used, so each browser vendor may choose any blurring algorithm they prefer, and judging by my experiments, it seems they took advantage of this freedom). In all cases however, the bounding box of the blurred text can extend no further than the bounding box of the original text plus (+) the specified blur radius on each side.
  4. Repeat for the rest of the shadows, if more than 1 are specified. The order in which shadows are drawn seems to be a subject of debate, judging by the wording of the specification and the various existing implementations.

The experiments

You will find the experiments I performed here. I tried to come up with (or find) interesting uses of the property. I also tried to make some of them “pretty”, so they could be useful to others, but given the fact that these were primarily created for testing purposes, this wasn’t achievable for all of them. Next to each experiment is the CSS used to produce the effect (directly fetched from the <style> tag via JavaScript). You’d better not view it with IE until you read below or you might have some freaky nightmares tonight :P

Screenshots from various browsers: (mouse over the thumbnails to see which browser was used for each one)

[gallery link=“file”]

Browser bugs and inconsistencies

Apparently, some browser bugs were exposed in these experiments:

  • Opera 10 and Safari don’t display the shadow when the text color is transparent (demonstrated in Experiment #5). Opera 9.6 doesn’t seem to support transparent as a text color, so it ignores it.
  • When the text color is RGBA, Safari applies transparency to the shadow, equal to the Alpha component (demonstrated in Experiment #8).
  • Opera paints the shadows in the order they were specified, whereas all others use the reverse. According to the current version of the specification, Opera is the only correct one, but I doubt that web designers will give her credit for it :p (Experiment #8)
  • Google Chrome uses a crappy blurring algorithm (Experiments #5 and #7)
  • Safari and Chrome don’t default to the text color when no color is specified in text-shadow, but to transparent. (Experiment #2)
  • Opera is seriously messed up when it comes to transparent shadows, as demonstrated by Experiment #9. I can’t even describe the bug (try messing with the text-shadow value a bit and you’ll see why…). Luckily, I can’t think of a single case where a transparent text-shadow would be useful :P
  • You can see a bit of the shadow in Google Chrome even if the offsets and blur radius are all 0 (Experiment #9). I’m not sure if this is a bug, but it’s inconsistent with the other implementations.
  • Even if you ignore the bugs above, there are slight rendering variations when multiple blurred shadows are involved (or they are more apparent in those cases), as demonstrated by experiments #2, #6 and #7.

Firefox’s implementation seems to be the clear winner here…

A note about the above observations: When no version number is mentioned, 3.5 is implied for Firefox, 10 for Opera and 4 for Safari and Chrome.

Alternatives to text-shadow

IE Filters

As you might have noticed, I have managed to completely avoid mentioning Internet Explorer up to this point. It’s no surprise that our dearest browser doesn’t support the text-shadow property. However, it does support some filters (DropShadow and Shadow) that could be used to provide a very small subset of the different kinds of text shadows, although they severely mess up the font anti-aliasing (just like all IE filters). Also, if the parent or siblings of the text node in question have backgrounds or borders an extra element is needed to enclose the text node (you’ll see in the experiments why…). For these reasons,  I highly doubt whether they are worth it and I don’t use them personally. However, if you are interested you can see a brief demonstration of these two filters in Experiments #3 (DropShadow) and #6 (Shadow, actually 4 of them).

The :before pseudo-element

This could be used instead of the text-shadow, when the blur radius is 0, since browser support for the :before pseudo-element is better than browser support for text-shadow (even IE8 supports that, yay). Here is a thorough (although slightly outdated) tutorial on this technique. However,this workaround severely hurts separation of presentation and content/structure, since the content has to be duplicated in the CSS. Repeating something greatly increases the chance that the two copies become inconsistent, since people tend to be forgetful. Also, you have to know in advance the exact height of the text (in lines), another maintenance headache. For these reasons, I don’t use this workaround either.

In my humble opinion, the text shadow is usually just icing on the cake and not something crucial to the design, so it doesn’t hurt if it won’t show in some old and/or crappy browsers. It degrades gracefully in most cases (ok, you’ll have to wait a few years before using it in ways that don’t) so it doesn’t hurt usability/accessibility either. It’s just one of the little treats I like to offer to visitors that were smart enough to use a decent browser. :-)


text-shadow is a very flexible property, with probably the best browser and editor – even Dreamweaver acknowledges it’s existence! – support among all notable CSS3* properties. It also degrades gracefully most of the times (the experiments above shouldn’t be considered “most of the times”! :P ) and this is why it’s probably also the most widely used CSS3* property.

I think it could be improved even more by allowing for the inset keyword (just like inset box-shadows – sadly only Firefox 3.5 supports those at the time) and a fourth parameter could be used to enlarge or shrink the shadow (currently the only way to enlarge it is by blurring it, which isn’t always desirable) although it would complicate the shorthand (the blur radius would probably become required – so that the browser can tell them apart). However, a separate property could be used to solve that (text-shadow-size?). I guess we could combine the :before technique, with transparent text color (in the :before pseudo-element) and a text-shadow for that to imitate such an effect (I can elaborate if this seems obscure) although I haven’t actually tried it (however, even if it works, it’s too much of a hassle).

Anyway, I guess it’s too late for such suggestions, so let’s focus on what we actually will get (?) which is more than sufficient :-)


*Actually, it was originally proposed for CSS 2.1, but it was dropped due to lack of implementations (basically only Webkit supported it)

(byte)size matters

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Yesterday, I was editing a CSS file and I was wondering how many bytes/KB would a particular addition add to it, in order to decide if it was worth it. Since, I had found myself wondering about the exact same thing multiple times in the past, I decided to make a simple standalone HTML page that would compute the size of any entered text in bytes, KB, MB, etc (whatever was most appropriate). It should be simple and quick and it should account for line terminator differences across operating systems.

About half an hour later, I was done. And then it dawned on me: Someone else might need it too! Since .com domains are, so cheap, hey, let’s get a domain for it as well! There are several sites with a domain that are way simpler than that anyway. A friend that was sitting next to me suggested “” as a joke, but as it turned out, was free, so we registered it. And there it is, less than a day after, it’s aliiive. :P

Any feedback or suggestions are greatly welcome!

For instance, should I implement a very simple minification algorithm and display bytesize for that as well, or is it too much and ruins the simplicity of it without being worth it? [edit: I did it anyway]

Should I implement a way to compare two pieces of text and find out the difference in byte size (could be useful for JavaScript refactoring)? [edit: I did it anyway**]**

Bevels in CSS3

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Yeah, yeah I know, bevels are soooo 1996. And I agree. However, it’s always good to know the capabilities of your tools. Talented designers will know when it’s suitable to use a certain effect and incapable ones will abuse whatever is given to them, so after a lot of thought, I decided to blog about my discovery.

Even though not directly mentioned in the spec, CSS3 is capable of easily creating a bevel effect on any element. Moreover, if the element has rounded corners, the bevel follows that as well. Before explaining the technique, let’s think about how a bevel actually gets drawn. It’s essentially two inner shadows, that when combined, create the illusion of a 3d appearance: a light one from the top left corner and a dark one from the bottom right corner. CSS3 includes the ability to create inner shadows, if you specify the keyword “inset” in the box-shadow declaration (currently only supported by Firefox 3.5). Moreover, the CSS3 spec allows for multiple box shadows on the same elements.

Now, let’s examine an example (only works in Firefox 3.5):

button { background:#f16; color:white; padding:6px 12px 8px 12px; border:none; font-size:18px; -moz-border-radius:10px; -moz-box-shadow: -2px -2px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.25) inset, 2px 2px 10px white inset; }

which produces this result:


If we want, we can also create a “pressed” button state, in a similar fashion:

button:active { -moz-box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.25) inset, -2px -2px 10px white inset; padding:7px 11px 7px 13px; }


which produces this pressed state:


See it in action here (only for Firefox 3.5):

Of course, if implemented in a real world website, you should also add the -webkit- and -o- CSS3 properties to provide a closer effect for the other browsers and be ready for the time when the ones that aren’t implemented yet in them will finally make it (for instance, when Webkit implements inset box shadows, it will work in it as well).

Enjoy responsibly. :-)

Idea: The simplest registration form ever

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If a web application has some sort of registration system (and most do), the registration page should be one of the most attractive, inviting, usable pages of it. It should make you to want to register, not repulse you. We don’t want the user to give up in the middle of filling it because they are fed up with it’s length or bad usability, or -even worse- not even attempt to do so, do we?

The most popular websites usually take this rule to heart and employ the simplest registration forms: Only the basic fields required, and most of the times, even without password/email confirmation.

I was wondering lately - what would be the simplest possible registration form? It should have the minimum number of fields required: Username and password and a field for some kind of human verification.

At this point, some readers might argue “Hey, why not an email field as well?”. In my opinion, the email is not always a required field. Let’s see why it’s being asked for in most cases: Unique identification (to prevent double accounts) and for sending out notifications for important events. However, it’s useless for the first purpose due to all these disposable email websites. As for the second purpose, since notifications can be switched off (and if not, then they are essentially considered spam), it could be regarded optional and we don’t include optional fields in registration forms, do we? ;-)

Of course, in websites that use the email instead of a username to let their users log in, you may just substitute the username field above with an email field (since in that case, the username is what could be considered optional) and we also have two fields. Smart readers might have noticed another pattern here: The only fields that are truly required for a registration form are the same ones that are required for a login form plus a human verification field.

And then it dawned on me: We can make the registration process almost as quick as logging in! We could use the same form for both actions. The submit button label could indicate the dual nature of the form, for instance “Log in or register”. If the username (or email) doesn’t exist, we could then ask the user whether they want to create a new account and present them the human verification field at that point. There is no need for a password verification field, since we could just have a checkbox for displaying what the user typed, if they feel insecure about it.

I find 3 inherent issues with this approach:

  1. Security. If a login attempt fails, the user will know whether he got the username or the password wrong. However, in most websites, you can easily check whether a username exists anyway, so I don’t consider this a real concern. I just included it because I’m certain that if I didn’t, somebody would point it out to me in the comments.
  2. Despite being a more usable approach by nature, it’s not by any means a convention yet. Until it becomes one, I’m afraid that some users will be confused by its extreme …simplicity! Funny, isn’t it?
  3. We won’t be able to employ Ajax verification for the registration form, since it will essentially be a login form as well, and until the user submits, we won’t know what they plan to do (login or register). Having an Ajax verification script there by default will confuse existing users as hell (as in “What do they mean by ‘Username is taken’? WTF??”). So, we have to sacrifice some usability to gain some usability. The question is: Is the usability we gain more than the usability we sacrifice? What do you think?

As you can see by the problems mentioned above, it’s still a rough-on-the-edges idea (I just thought about it and I haven’t refined it yet), but I think it’s interesting. What are your thoughts?

On password masking and usability

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I just read Jakob Nielsen’s recent post in which he urged web designers/developers to stop password masking due to it’s inherent usability issues. I found it an interesting read. Hey, at last, someone dared to talk about the elephant in the room!

In most cases password masking is indeed useless, but still, there are several cases where you need that kind of protection. He also points that out, suggesting a checkbox to enable the user to mask their entered password if they wish to do so. He also suggests that checkbox being enabled by default on sites that require high security.

I think the checkbox idea is really good, as long as it works in the opposite way: Password masking should always be the default and you should check the checkbox to show the characters you typed. This is in line with what Windows (Vista or newer) users are already accustomed to anyway:

Enter passphrase

This can (and should) be done with JavaScript alone: if the user has it turned off, no problem, just a regular old password field. Of course the checkbox should also be dynamically added, to prevent users with disabled JS from viewing a checkbox that does nothing at all.

This seems easy at first, even without a library (although, in this particular case, a library would greatly reduce the amount of code required, so much that I’m tempted to include a jQuery version as well):

window.onload = function() {
	var passwords = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
	for(var i=0; i<passwords.length; i++) {
		if(passwords\[i\].type == 'password') {
			var password = passwords\[i\];

var showCharsCheckbox = document.createElement(‘input’); showCharsCheckbox.type = ‘checkbox’; showCharsCheckbox.onclick = (function(input) { return function() { input.type = this.checked? ‘text’ : ‘password’; }; })(password);

var showCharsLabel = document.createElement(‘label’); showCharsLabel.appendChild(showCharsCheckbox); showCharsLabel.appendChild(document.createTextNode(‘Show characters’));

// If the password field is inside a <label> element, we don’t want to insert our label in there as well! var previousSibling = /label/i.test(password.parentNode.nodeName)? password.parentNode : password;

// Check whether it’s the last child of it’s parent if(previousSibling.nextSibling) { previousSibling.parentNode.insertBefore(showCharsLabel, previousSibling.nextSibling); } else { previousSibling.parentNode.appendChild(showCharsLabel); } } } }

However, nothing is ever simple, when you also need to support our beloved Internet Explorer. Most moderately experienced JavaScript developers have probably already understood what I’m talking about: The all time classic IE bug (still present in IE8…) in regards to setting an element’s type attribute. You can only set it once, for elements that are not already in the DOM. After that, it becomes read-only, and any attempt to set it results in a “The command is not supported” error. And when I say “any” attempt I mean it:

  • element.setAttribute()
  • element.type
  • element.setAttributeNode()
  • element.removeAttribute() and then element.setAttribute()
  • element.cloneNode(), then one of the above, then replacing the node with the clone

everything fails miserably.

I’ve encountered this problem several times in the past as well, but I could always think of an alternative way to do what I wanted without having to work around it. In this case, I don’t think there is one. So we’re left with two possible scenarios:

  • Perform an easy test in the beginning to see whether this bug exists and proceed only if the browser isn’t naughty. This could be done with the following:

    var supportsChangingTypeAttribute = (function() {
    	var input = document.createElement('input');
    	try {
    		input.type = 'password';
    		input.type = 'text';
    	} catch(e) {
    		return false;
    	return input.type == 'text';

    if(supportsChangingTypeAttribute) { // do stuff… }

  • Wrap the statement that IE chokes on in a try…catch construct and in the catch(e) {…} block create a new input element, copy everything (where everything is at least: attributes, properties, event handlers - both traditional ones and listeners) from the password field into it (except the type attribute of course!) and replace the original password field with it. After the first time, the text field could also be reused, to improve performance. If you have a shortage of trouble in your life, you may attempt it, I currently do not. :P It can be a very simple task for particular cases, but a generic solution that would work in any site (or even in most sites) seems a really daunting, tedious and downright boring task. I also hope there might be a better solution, that I haven’t thought of. Any ideas?

Tip: Multi-step form handling

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First of all, sorry for my long absence! I haven’t abandoned this blog, I was just really, really busy. I’m still busy, and this probably won’t change soon. However, I will still blog when I get too fed up with work or studying (this is one of these moments…). Now, let’s get to the meat.

The situation

In most web applications, even the simplest ones, the need for form handling will arise. There will be forms that need to be submitted, checked, processed or returned to the user informing them about any errors. A good empirical rule I try to follow is “Try not to produce URLs that don’t have a meaning if accessed directly”. It sounds simple and common-sense, doesn’t it? However, as Francois Voltaire said, “common sense is not so common”. I’ve seen variations of the following scenario several times, in several websites or even commercial web application software:

Lets assume we have a two step process, like a registration form with an arguably¹ bad usability. The hypothetical script is called register.php (PHP is just an example here, the exact language doesn’t matter, it could be register.jsp or anything else). The user fills in the information required for the first step, and if they get it right, they advance to something like register.php?step=2 to complete the rest of the information. They fill in their information there as well, and submit the form. Everything is fine.

Or is it?

What we have done this way is that we have effectively created a completely useless URL. If someone tries to access register.php?step=2 directly (via their history for instance), we don’t have the POST data from the first step, so we either have to redirect them to the first step or, even worse, assume they are actually coming from the first step and present it to them full of errors telling them they got everything wrong. In both cases we have duplicate content, and in the second one, usability suffers a great deal.

So, the right way is to pass step=2 via POST as well. This way, the URL stays as it was (register.php) and we avoid all the problems mentioned above. So, we end up doing something like this:

... form fields here ...
<input type="hidden" name="step" value="2" />
<input type="submit" value="Create my account" />

Now we’re done. Or not?

This works fine. However, there’s still room for improvement. We could get rid of the extra input element by utilizing the submit button. Yeah, it’s a form element too, even though we often overlook that and just focus on styling it. If we give it a name, it will get sent along with the other form fields. So instead of the html above, we can do that:

... form fields here ...
<input type="submit" name="step" value="2" />

But wait! What the f*ck is that ???

Now usability suffers! Instead of our nice “Create my account” button, the user now sees a cryptic “2”. Who cares if it works or if it requires less code, if nobody understands how to register, right? Luckily for us, we don’t have to use the <input /> tag to create submit buttons. A better (in terms of styling, semantics, markup clarity etc), albeit less known, alternative exists: The <button /> tag. When using the <button /> tag, the label of the button is derived from the markup within the start and end tags (yeah, we can also have html elements in there, not only text nodes, in case you’re wondering), not from the value attribute. So, we can set it’s name and value attributes to whatever we want, and the user won’t notice a thing:

... form fields here ...
<button type="submit" name="step" value="2">Create my account</button>

It’s really simple, although not done often. I guess it’s one of these “OMG how come I’ve never thought about this??” kind of things. :P

¹ I firmly believe we should eliminate the number of steps required in any procedure and especially in registration forms that users are bored to fill in anyway. However, there’s an exception to that: If the form has to be big for some reason, breaking it into steps actually makes it more usable, since the user is not overwhelmed with all these fields. Another situation when this approach is favorable is when the second step is determined according to the data from the first, although thanks to JavaScript and Ajax, this is becoming obsolete nowadays.

9 reasons why I prefer MySQL to MS SQL Server

2 min read 0 comments Report broken page

In the past, I used MySQL for any of my DBMS needs. It wasn’t really an informed decision based on solid facts, actually I had never really given it any thought. It was what most developers used, it was what vBulletin used (one of the main projects of my company is based on vBulletin), it was what most hosts had pre-installed, in other words, it was the popular choice and I went with the crowd.

Unlike most decisions taken that way, this one turned out to be correct (so far at least). In the university where I study (yeah, I do that too occasionally :P ), there is a great and extremely useful class on Database Systems offered in my semester. The only drawback is that it’s done on MS SQL Server. Consequently, I had to work with it quite a lot, and my conclusion was that MySQL is far superior (mostly syntax-wise as I don’t have the deep knowledge required to judge them fairly for other things, so don’t expect a deep analysis about performance or security - as far as I’m concerned, they are equally good at those). Here are a few reasons:

  1. No ENUM datatype. Yeah, of course I can define a column with a char/varchar type and add a constraint to only allow for particular strings, but this kinda defeats the purpose of memory saving that the ENUM datatype in MySQL offers.
  2. No INSERT IGNORE. Instead you have to go through hell to simulate that in MS SQL Server.
  3. I hate it that I can’t use “USING(columnlabel)” in a JOIN query and I have to use “ON(table1.columnlabel = table2.colmnlabel)” all the time. Yeah, I know that the first one isn’t standard, but it’s shorter, cleaner, more elegant, and …you can still use “ON(…)” if you don’t like it. Having more options is never bad, is it?
  4. With MySQL you may insert multiple rows at once elegantly (“INSERT INTO tablename (…), (…), …”), without using the “INSERT INTO tablename SELECT (…) UNION ALL SELECT (…) UNION ALL …” hack. Moreover, the elegant MySQL way also happens to be the standard, a standard that SQL Server doesn’t follow.
  5. Triggers can only run per statement, and not per row. This isn’t really important, since for most cases, it’s more efficient to define a per statement trigger anyway, but it doesn’t do any harm to have an extra option, does it?
  6. Paging is dead-easy on MySQL: SELECT * FROM foo LIMIT 10,20 . With MS SQL Server you have to jump through hoops to do the same thing, especially if your query is not trivial.
  7. In MySQL, when you want to convert an integer to a hex string, you just call HEX(). In SQL Server you have to call an undocumented function and do some string manipulation to do the exact same thing.
  8. MySQL runs on every platform, whereas with MS SQL Server you’re stuck with Windows.
  9. Last but not least, MySQL is free (and when it’s not free, it’s at least cheap) and opensource :-)

Creating the perfect slider

3 min read 0 comments Report broken page

I’ve previously discussed many times the color picker I have to create, and blogged about my findings on the way. An essential component of most color pickers is a slider control.

I won’t go through much techincal details or JavaScript code in this article (after all the usability guidelines presented don’t only apply to JavaScript applications, and this is why I used Adobe Kuler as a good or bad example for some of them), it’s been done numerous times before and I prefer being a bit original than duplicating web content. You can google it and various implementations will come up if you need a starting point.

Some might argue that I suffer from NIH syndrome, but I prefer to code things my way when I think I can do something even a bit better. After all, if nobody ever tries to reinvent the wheel, the wheel stands no chances of improvement. In this case, I wanted to build the most usable slider ever (at least for color picking uses), or -from an arguably more conservative point of view- something significantly more usable than the rest (if you think about it, the two statements are equivalent, the first one just sounds more arrogant :P ).

I started by thinking about the way I personally use sliders and other form controls, and what bothers me most in the process. Then I combined that with the previously-done accessibility guidelines and the best slider implementations I’ve encountered (from a usability perspective), and here is what I came up with.

Requirements for the perfect slider control

  1. It should be ARIA-compatible, so that disabled users can easily utilize it.
  2. It should be focusable, so that you can Tab to it.
  3. Of course the thumb should be draggable (why would you call it a slider otherwise anyway?)
  4. Of course the slider should be labeled so that the user knows what to use it for.
  5. Normal, hover and focus states should be different (at least in browsers supporting the :hover and :focus pseudo-classes)
  6. You should be able to click somewhere in the rail and have the thumb instantly move there. Many slider implementations use animations for that, and even though I admit it raises the wow factor, I don’t think it’s good for usability. When I choose something, I want it to be instantly selected, I don’t want to wait for the pretty animation to finish, even if it’s short. Other implementations don’t move the slider to the point of the rail that you clicked, but just a bit towards it. I find that very annoying. I clicked there because I want the slider to go there, not towards there! If I wanted to increment/decrement it a bit, I’d use other methods (read below).
  7. It should be keyboard-navigable. I think the ideal key-mappings are:
    • Left and right arrow keys for small adjustments
    • Page up/down and Ctrl + left and right arrow keys for big adjustments.
    • Esc to focus out (blur)
    • Home and End to navigate to the minimum and maximum respectively
  8. It should respond to the mousewheel (and this is where all current implementations I’ve tested fail misreably) when focused. Small adjustments for normal mousewheel movement, big adjustments if the Ctrl key is pressed as well. The pitfall to that is that you can’t cancel the default action (zoom in/out) in Safari. Why the Ctrl key and not Alt or Shift? Because we are accustomed to using the Ctrl key as a modifier. Alt and Shift are used more rarely. Especially designers (and for most color pickers they are a significant part of the target audience) are used in using the Ctrl key together with the mousewheel, since that’s a popular way for zooming or scrolling in most Adobe CS applications. Another important consideration when designing a mousewheel-aware slider, is to bind the event to the document element once the slider thumb is focused and unbind it when the slider thumb is blurred. Why? Because in most such cases, we don’t like to have to keep out mouse pointer on the slider to adjust it with the mousewheel. It being focused should suffice for letting the app know that this is what we want to adjust.
  9. The exact numerical choice of the user should be visible, not only in an indicator that is positioned in a static place, but also above the slider thumb and have it move as the slider thumb moves. I don’t want to have to look at two different places to see what I have selected! (the slider thumb and the indicator) Why above the slider thumb? Because if it’s below, the mouse pointer is likely to hide it. This movable indicator should be hidden once the user focuses out (as long as we provide another one that is positioned statically). Adobe Kuler does this fairly well, although it suffers from a few issues: When you click on the slider rail, the indicator doesn’t show up.
  10. The user should be able to click at some point in the rail and start dragging right away, without lifting their mouse button in the meantime. Even though this sounds common-sense, I’ve seen many implementations that fail at it (including Kuler’s).

So, that’s it! What do you think? Could you come up with anything else to add?

Cross-browser imageless linear gradients v2

2 min read 0 comments Report broken page

A while ago, I posted a script of mine for creating 2-color cross-browser imageless linear gradients. As I stated there, I needed them for a color picker I have to create. And even though 2-color gradients are sufficient for most components, in most color spaces, I had forgotten an important one: Hue. You can’t represent Hue with a 2-color gradient! So, I had to revise the script, and make it able to produce linear gradients of more than 2 colors. Furthermore, I needed to be able to specify a fully transparent color as one of the gradient colors, in order to create the photoshop-like 2d plane used by the picker (and no, a static image background like the one used in most JS color pickers wouldn’t suffice, for reasons irrelevant with this post). I hereby present you Cross-browser, imageless, linear gradients v2!

The API has stayed just the same, with the following differences:

  • You may specify the keyword “transparent” instead of a #RRGGBB color (that was such a pain to implement btw!).

  • When creating a Gradient object, color strings are now defined in an array. Example:

    var g = new Gradient(200, 100, [‘#000000’, ‘#ff1166’, ‘#23ff46’], true);

  • When calling g.paint() it now takes 2 arguments instead of 3: The new color array (or null if you don’t want that to change) and the direction (true for vertical, false for horizontal). For example:

    g.paint([‘#000000’, ‘#ff1166’, ‘#23ff46’], true);

  • 2 new methods have been added: g.setColorAt(index, color) and g.direction(newDirection). The first allows you to set a particular gradient color (index starting from 0) and the second to alter or toggle the direction (if you specify a direction parameter, you set the direction, if you call it with no parameters, it toggles from horizontal to vertical).

  • The fields g.startColor and g.endColor have been replaced by the array g.colors.

Update: v2.0.1 Fixed a small bug with the ‘transparent’ keyword that affected multi-color gradients in browsers != IE when the transparent color wasn’t first or last.


gradient.js (5.1 KB)

gradient-min.js (2.7 KB)

Test page