Posts from 2009

38 posts 2009 16 posts 2010 50 posts 2011 28 posts 2012 15 posts 2013 7 posts 2014 10 posts 2015 5 posts 2016 4 posts 2017 7 posts 2018 2 posts 2019 17 posts 2020 7 posts 2021 7 posts 2022 11 posts 2023 6 posts 2024
  1. Quickly find the Gravatar that cor­res­ponds to a given email 1 min 0 comments
  2. Reading cookies the regular expression way 1 min 0 comments
  3. Exploring browser-supported Unicode characters and a tweet shortening experiment 2 min 0 comments
  4. Yet another email hiding technique? 1 min 0 comments
  5. A different approach to elastic textareas 2 min 0 comments
  6. New version of rgba.php is out! 2 min 0 comments
  7. A CSS3 learning(?) tool 1 min 0 comments
  8. Exploring CSS3 text-shadow 5 min 0 comments
  9. (byte)size matters 1 min 0 comments
  10. Bevels in CSS3 1 min 0 comments
  11. Idea: The simplest registration form ever 2 min 0 comments
  12. On password masking and usability 3 min 0 comments
  13. Tip: Multi-step form handling 3 min 0 comments
  14. 9 reasons why I prefer MySQL to MS SQL Server 2 min 0 comments
  15. Creating the perfect slider 3 min 0 comments
  16. Cross-browser imageless linear gradients v2 2 min 0 comments
  17. Java pretty dates 1 min 0 comments
  18. Better usability in 5 minutes 3 min 0 comments
  19. Help me: take the color survey 1 min 0 comments
  20. Advocacy of JavaScript 3 min 0 comments
  21. Extend Math.log to allow for bases != e 1 min 0 comments
  22. 100% Cyan in CMYK is NOT rgb(0,255,255)!! 2 min 0 comments
  23. Cross browser, imageless linear gradients 2 min 0 comments
  24. Mockup viewer bookmarklet 1 min 0 comments
  25. CSS3 colors, today (MediaCampAthens session) 1 min 0 comments
  26. CMYK colors in CSS: Useful or useless? 2 min 0 comments
  27. On native, single-input, multiple file uploads 2 min 0 comments
  28. Check whether the browser supports RGBA (and other CSS3 values) 2 min 0 comments
  29. "Appearances can be deceiving Mr. Anderson" - a.k.a. short code is not always fast code 2 min 0 comments
  30. Quick & dirty way to run snippets of JavaScript anywhere 1 min 0 comments
  31. 20 things you should know when not using a JS library 5 min 0 comments
  32. Silent, automatic updates are the way to go 2 min 0 comments
  33. Bulletproof, cross-browser RGBA backgrounds, today 4 min 0 comments
  34. CSS3 border-radius, today 4 min 0 comments
  35. Find the vendor prefix of the current browser 3 min 0 comments
  36. Extend Math.round, Math.ceil and Math.floor to allow for precision 2 min 0 comments
  37. JS library detector 1 min 0 comments
  38. Check whether a CSS property is supported 1 min 0 comments